Spring and Preparing for CatCon 2020

Spring is less than 30 days away! Winter has felt a little longer for some reason this year. During this long winter, we have been busy working on the fishroom mostly. There is still a ton of work to do including more drilling and painting of tanks, plumbing work and setting up more racks. And let’s not forget those water changes. A fishroom is always a work in progress!

Fish event season is  here with the Greater Cincinnati  Aquarium Society (GCAS) and Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts (CAFE) each having their Swaps in the last few weeks.  If you missed those events, you missed your chance at some awesome fish! Each club is now bringing in neat fish for New and Rare Silent Auctions during the swaps. There were some truly stunning fish available from several great sponsors. Each swap had over 30 tables from vendors all over Ohio and beyond.

On the horizon is now the CAFE’s Spring Auction. We are exactly one month away, March 22nd, and there are going to be some very special fish in this year’s auction. What might be there? Well you will just have to wait to find out. Stay tuned to the CAFE Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/columbusfishclub and be sure to review the auction rules prior to the event at http://columbusfishclub.org.

The All-American Catfish  Convention or CatCon, as we like to call it, is later this year. This is the premier event on catfish. Meet catfish nuts from around the globe in a fun, entertaining and educational atmosphere. We will be there presenting two talks, one on Colombia and the other on Auchenipteridae – Woodcatfish.  It is not too early to start making plans for this event. As a matter of fact, the website just went live last week. Be sure to get your hotel room and register for this one-of-a-kind event! Follow the link to sign up: http://www.catfishcon.com

Lastly, we wish to share a sneak peek of one of the species we collected in the Rio Caqueta. For those into Aucehnipteridae, you might recognize the fish as a Tatia intermedia type. There are a few differences however if you look closely at the video. Can you spot the difference? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCeAXYbdTxY